Wednesday, October 26, 2011

organization = motivation

   I'm still feeling a little bit all-over-the-place these days, but I've been working through it a little at a time.  I managed to do some bigger organization and cleanout chores this week, which I found really helpful.  Still have some more to work on, but it's been a good start.  I started with my food storage - pantry, small cupboard, fridge, freezer and cabinet.  It's amazing how quick those areas get cluttered up.  But now I can see everything, and have made the space much more user friendly. Then I started restocking after a couple of marathon grocery sessions - but I was smart, and only purchased things I needed to round out my staples and make meals for this week.  Today I have a few drawers and cabinets to organize, but that will be a much smaller project.

    So yesterday I took a trip to Whole Foods, which is a little off the beaten path for me.  I had gotten a Living Social deal for $10 off $20 worth of produce.  And their produce is so nice that of course I spent WAY more than $20.  But everything just looked so nice that it made me want to run home and start eating all the healthy things I had bought.  I also found some interesting roasted vegetable raviolis, that are very reasonable point-wise, and some mixed squash and zucchini to make with them.  It's been hard finding consistently good produce at the supermarkets, and I think it may be worth making the extra trip once a week to stock up.  As long as I stay within a budget.

   I think that having finally done some cleaning and organizing of my kitchen helped spur me on, and re-energized me.  It kind of gives things that "first week on plan" freshness.  So if you've got some clutter in your kitchen, I highly recommend tackling it! 

1 comment:

  1. Our WW leader used to call it "back to school" with new supplies! I spread out my support and it seems to work well; I read the hand outs mid week and have been attending a Tues meeting in addition to my regular Sunday. The vegetable and fruit shopping is terrific and I use their Fruits & Veggies A-Z book; who knew I didn't know so much about food! Not me! You are doing terrific; it's a journey :)
