Thursday, June 2, 2011

Just a quickie!

Feeling good because I finally got off my lazy butt and put the bike rack back on the car, loaded up the bikes and took them to the bike shop to get tuned up.  And the best part is I can pick them up tomorrow evening, so I can use my bike this weekend... it seems like the next few days are going to continue the streak of good weather, and I can't wait to take my bike to the park for a whirl.  I think I'm going to buy an odometer when I pick them up, so I can measure my distance, even though I usually think about my activity in terms of time spent rather than miles logged.

  The last couple of days have been very good - back on track and in a more positive frame of mind. I've been tackling the to-do list again, and making better decisions.  I'm anticipating that this week's weigh in may still show the last remnants of damage done over last weekend, but what's more important is that I'm headed once again in the right direction.

  Have a great weekend all - I know I plan to!

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